џџdSCOTTERRPING T2B7U$ - = [ Title Screen ] = - Both..0ЏLДU/ /  $/ $/ $/e/r/c/u/l/e/s/ /a/n/d/ /H/y/d$$/  / $$/r/a/c/t/i/v/e/ /F/a/n/t/a$$ //  /  / //  / / /  //  / /// $$ $ // / / //  / ///////  / / //  //  ///  ///  // `o/  / / `oo / $5 $$/ `o / `` / `o`ooo/ `o`o`o`o/ / `oo/ `o/ `oooooooooooo/ / `ooo/ `o`ooo`oo`ooo/ / `oo/ `o`oooo`oo`oo`oo/ / `o`ooo/ `ooo`oo`oo`o`o/ / `oo/ oo`oo/ `oooo`ooo/ /  / /  /  /  /  /  /  /   / џobject tainer.bQx tџџџџt =џџeџџџџe =џџhџџџџh =џџ. oџџџџo m=џџ6 aџџџџ m=џџ1 fџџџџft=џџIџџџџI (<џџnџџџџn (<џџtџџџџt (<џџeџџџџe (<џџsџџџџs (<џџiџџџџi (<џџrџџџџr (<џџaџџџџa (<џџHџџџџH (<џџyџџџџy (<џџbџџџџbR<џџ@Scroller #Cycle 1 :Loop eџџџџe (<џџsџџџџs (<џџ7џџџџ7 (<џџ8џџџџ8 (<џџ;џџџџ T<Ф@Scroller #Cycle 1 :Start <> /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i <њ > /i <љ > /i <* > /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i /i < n > /i < * > /i < љ > /i < њ > /i < F> /i < Fa> /i < Fan> /i < Fant> /i < Fanta> /i < Fantas> /i < Fantasi> /i < Fantasie> /i < Fantasies> /i < Fantasies > /i < Fantasies > /i < Fantasies > /i /i /i /i < a > /i < * > /i < љ > /i < њ > /i < > /i < P > /i < P r > /i < P r e > /i < Pr e s > /i < Pre s e > /i < Prese n > /i < Presen t > /i < Present s > /i < Presents > /i < Presents > /i <ГPresents > /i < /resents > /i < -esents > /i < \sents > /i < Гents > /i < /nts > /i < -ts > /i < \s > /i < Г > /i < / > /i < -> /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i <> /i >< /i АБВБА /i ААББВББАА /i ААББВВллВВББАА /i АААБББВВВлВВВБББААА /i ААААББББВВВВлллВВВВББББАААА /i АААБББВВВлллВВВБББААА /i ААББВВллВВББАА /i АБВлВБА /i #End ? -= Unused =-olbox :: /\/\h Both..0ЏLДU=::::::::::::::::::::::=џobject tainer. bQx ? -= Unused =-olbox :: /\/\h Both..0ЏLДU=::::::::::::::::::::::=џobject tainer. bQx ? -= Unused =-olbox :: /\/\h Both..0ЏLДU=::::::::::::::::::::::=џobject tainer. bQx ? -= Unused =-olbox :: /\/\h Both..0ЏLДU=::::::::::::::::::::::=џobject tainer. bQx С[Introduction][creen ] = - Both..0ЏLДUb"b""b""b"b""2 "b"b"gx"b"b"2 2 ""b"2 2 2 2 ""gx""2 2 2 b"2 2 2 L2 b"b"gxbL2 L2 2 LL2 L2 L2 2 ""gx2 L2 L2 L2 L2 2 2 L2 b"gxL2 L2 x2 L2 L2 x"bgxxwxwxwxxxxxxxxxwxwxwxwxxxxb"gxxxxxwxxxxxxxwxwxxxx"bgxx$w$xx$xwx$xgxxxwxxxxxxxxwxwxwxxxgxx$wxwx$xx$xxxw$xxgxxxwxxxxxxxxxwxwxwxwxxggxxxwxwxwxxx$xw$xxxggxxxxxw$owxxxxx$xxxwxw$owxwxwxxggxg$gggggggggggx ggggggggggx*x         xx$ 5x  ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggџobject tainer.$bQx xўџџџџx Š<›@Blocker /i Delft: A city in the Netherlands. /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i You're just walking around a bit, until... /i/i/i/i/i/i #Playah:Move #End :Away #Die #End џџџџxџџџџ”<R@Playah #Cycle 2 #End :move /e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e #Scottah:Scottuh #End џџџџ™<a@Scottah #End :Scottuh A person appears in front of you. He looks like a typical gangsta. /i/i/i/i/i/i/i Guy-Hey, you! /i/i/i/i/i/i/i You-Huh? /i/i/i/i/i/i/i Guy-What did ya say 'bout my mother?! /i/i/i/i/i/i/i You-Errr... /i/i/i/i/i/i/i Guy-Don't be playin' tha fool now! /i/i/i/i/i/i/i You-What are you trying to do? /i/i/i/i/i/i/i Guy-I'm scotting you, foo'! /i/i/i/i/i/i/i You-What the *heck* is scotting? /i/i/i/i/i/i/i Guy-If you don't know what scotting is, /i/i/i/i/i/i/i Guy-it's no fun for me to scot ya! /i/i/i/i/i/i/i You-I'm interested. Can't you teach me /i/i/i/i/i/i/i You-how to scot? /i/i/i/i/i/i/i Guy-Why would waste my time, teachin' you /i/i/i/i/i/i/i Guy-that? /i/i/i/i/i/i/i You-Aw, c'mon! /i/i/i/i/i/i/i Guy-Okay, okay, I ain't have anything /i/i/i/i/i/i/i Guy-better to do anywayz. /i/i/i/i/i/i/i You-Wow! /i/i/i/i/i #Teaching:Start #End  Хџџџџ = Фџџџџw = Фџџџџw = Фџџџџwд: Фџџџџw = Хџџџџw­: ФџџџџwЯ<—@Teaching #End :Start Guy-Okay, I ain't gonna teach ya how to become a professional scotter, 'cause that's impossible. I'll just tell ya da basics of scottin'. The rest of yo experience should be gained in da streets by just trainin'. /i You-Okay, sounds fair to me. So, what are those basics? /i Guy-These are the basics of da art of scottin': * Start a conversation yourself. * Preferably talk to a random person. * It's got to be (semi-) provoking. * Instead of just answering questions, you should be the one with the initiative. * You can often use the looks of your "opponent" to scot him. That's about it! /i You-Thanks man! /i #Blocker:Away #End Фџџџџw = Фџџџџw = Фџџџџw = Хџџџџw = Хџџџџw =№џџџџwбD№џџџџ­: Хџџџџw­: Фџџџџw­: Фџџџџw­:" Фџџџџw­:$ Фџџџџw­:# Хџџџџw­: Хџџџџw­: Хџџџџw­: Фџџџџw­: Фџџџџw­: Фџџџџw­: Фџџџџw­:" Фџџџџw­:$ Фџџџџw­:$ Фџџџџw­:" Фџџџџw­:# ХџџџџwПA# Хџџџџw­:я*[Streets of Delft 1] ] = - Both..0ЏLДU/ / 2 L2 LxL2 L 2 LL/ /S/c/o/t/-/p/o/i/n/t/s/:$/ L2 L2 xL2 L2 L2 L2 L/ / L xxwxwxwxxxL2 L2 xwxwxwxwxxxxxxwxwxxxxxxxxxwxxxxxwxwxxxxxxxxxx$xwxwx$xxxw$xwxwxwx$xxxxwxxxxxxx$wxxxxwxwxxxxxxxxwxwxwxxxxxxxwxwxwxwxxxxxx$xw$xxxxxxwxw$xwxwx$xxx$x$$ w$xxxxwxwxwxwxwxxxx$wxxwxw$owxxwxxx$$$$ $$$$ xxw$owxw wwxxxxwxwxgggggggggggg$ggggggg$y$$ygggggggg$t$$$tgx x$xx$xx$xx$xx%$~%$~'' xx$ $]$$ x xggggggg$xg$xggggggg<$xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / џobject tainer.… bQx x0џџџџ S?@ScotMeter2 #End :Count5 #Char 53 #End :Count0 #Char 48 #End 0џџџџ S @ScotMeter1 #Cycle 1 #End :count0 #Char 48 #End :count10 #Char 49 #End :count20 #Char 50 #End :count30 #Char 51 #End :count40 #Char 52 #End :count50 #Char 53 #End :count60 #Char 54 #End :count70 #Char 55 #End :count80 #Char 56 #End :count90 #Char 57 #End <мџџџџw ­;;мџџџџw ­;:мџџџџw ­;9мџџџџw ­;8мџџџџw ­;7мџџџџw ­;6мџџџџw ­;5мџџџџw ­;4мџџџџw ­;3мџџџџw ­;2мџџџџw ­;1мџџџџw ­;0мџџџџw ­;/мџџџџw ­;.мџџџџw ­;-мџџџџw™E,мџџџџw ­;+мџџџџw ­;*мџџџџw ­;)мџџџџw ­;(мџџџџw ­;'мџџџџw ­;&мџџџџw ­;%мџџџџw ­;$мџџџџw ­;#мџџџџw ­;"мџџџџw ­;!мџџџџw ­; мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­; мџџџџw ­; мџџџџw ­; мџџџџw ­; мџџџџw ­; мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw OAмџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­;мџџџџw ­; џџџџ %Sщ@ScotChecker #Cycle 1 :Loop #Take Score 18 start2 #Give Score 18 #ScotMeter1:Count90 #ScotMeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start2 #Take Score 17 start3 #Give Score 17 #ScotMeter1:Count80 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start3 #Take Score 16 start4 #Give Score 16 #ScotMeter1:Count80 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start4 #Take Score 15 start5 #Give Score 15 #ScotMeter1:Count70 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start5 #Take Score 14 start6 #Give Score 14 #ScotMeter1:Count70 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start6 #Take Score 13 start7 #Give Score 13 #ScotMeter1:Count60 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start7 #Take Score 12 start8 #Give Score 12 #ScotMeter1:Count60 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start8 #Take Score 11 start9 #Give Score 11 #ScotMeter1:Count50 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start9 #Take Score 10 start10 #Give Score 10 #ScotMeter1:Count50 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start10 #Take Score 9 start11 #Give Score 9 #ScotMeter1:Count40 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start11 #Take Score 8 start12 #Give Score 8 #ScotMeter1:Count40 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start12 #Take Score 7 start13 #Give Score 7 #ScotMeter1:Count30 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start13 #Take Score 6 start14 #Give Score 6 #ScotMeter1:Count30 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start14 #Take Score 5 start15 #Give Score 5 #ScotMeter1:Count20 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start15 #Take Score 4 start16 #Give Score 4 #ScotMeter1:Count20 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start16 #Take Score 3 start17 #Give Score 3 #ScotMeter1:Count10 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start17 #Take Score 2 start18 #Give Score 2 #ScotMeter1:Count10 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start18 #Take Score 1 start19 #Give Score 1 #ScotMeter1:Count0 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start19 #ScotMeter1:count0 #Scotmeter2:count0 /i #Loop ) №џџџџx”S<@Door #End :Touch #Play t128 You-This door is locked. #End Хџџџџx зA Хџџџџx зA ФџџџџxдH ФџџџџxдHФџџџџxдH ФџџџџxдH ФџџџџxдH Хџџџџx зAХџџџџx зAФџџџџxдH$Хџџџџx зA.Хџџџџx зA.Хџџџџx зA$Хџџџџx зA%Фџџџџxд:#Фџџџџx —S@њ љ + * The Life of a Scotter * + љ њ Welcome to "The Life of a Scotter". As you've seen in the intro, the goal in this game is to "scot" people. You can end the game at any time, by just going two boards east, and touching the "passage" object on the street. You will get a different ending text, depending on the amount of scot-points you've gained during the game. $ - = < Scot-battles > = - Sometimes, you challege a real good scotter to a scot battle. These take place on a special board. You and your enemy scot in turns, and depending on how good you've scotted him, "scot-health" is taken away from him. He also scots you, so be careful! #End #ФџџџџxдH%Фџџџџxд:-ФџџџџxП:-Фџџџџx зA/Фџџџџx зA/Фџџџџx зA: Хџџџџx зA:Хџџџџx зA9Фџџџџx зA9 Фџџџџx зA; Фџџџџx зA;Фџџџџw зA їџџџџx РS #Bind Trash  їџџџџE їџџџџxE ќџџџџ СS #Bind Trash  іџџџџxТS #Bind Trash  іџџџџxдA іџџџџxУS #Bind Trash  ѓџџџџx УS #Bind Trash  їџџџџ ФS #Bind Trash  ѓџџџџХSN@Trash #End :Touch #Play t67 Just some trash. #GarbageDude:Appear #Lock #End  ќџџџџxЪS #Bind Trash  џџџџxЪSХ@GarbageDude #End :Appear #Char 2 /i/i You-Whoa! Some dude appeared from behind the garbage. Let's scot! :Loop You- !1;This is your home, I presume? !2;You tramp! !3;Ermm... Sorry I disturbed you sir. /i #Loop :2 $The garbage-dude ignores you. It seems $like this isn't the proper way of $scotting. #Lock #End :1 GarbageDude-Yep! Anything WRONG with that? :Loop2 !4;Oooo... home-sweat-home, eh? !3;No. Sorry, I didn't mean it. /i #Loop2 :3 GarbageDude-Haha! Screw you, fag-boy! Now leave me alone. $Whoa. That could have been done better! #Lock #End :4 The garbage-dude looks ashamed. It seems like you've won the battle! #Char 32 #Give Score 2 #Lock #End / џџџџw/ џџџџїSЁ@Ankur #End :Touch Ankur-Yo! I'm Ankur. $Do you want to scot him? !1;Yes. !2;No. #End :1 #Lock #Put N Passage $Okay, enter the passage to start the $scot-battle! /e :Loop #If AnkurDefeat Okay #If AnkurNoDefeat Okay2 /i #Loop :Okay #Give Score 3 :Okay2 /w #Cycle 1 #Put N Shark #Change Shark Solid #Zap Touch #Unlock #End :Touch Ankur is silent. #End :2 #End !јџџџџџFјџџџџnB!мџџџџxT #Bind Car мџџџџxT=@Car #End :Touch #Play t128 You-A pink car. Strange... #End "мџџџџx T #Bind Car  јџџџџxnB јџџџџx>> мџџџџT6@Car2 #End :Touch #Play t128 You-Just some car. #End  мџџџџg T #Bind Car2  мџџџџT #Bind Car2  БџџџџgT #Bind Car2  Вџџџџg T #Bind Car2  ВџџџџT #Bind Car2 5 јџџџџxсI8 јџџџџx MC4 мџџџџgT #Bind Car2 9 мџџџџT #Bind Car2 8 мџџџџg T #Bind Car2 5 БџџџџT #Bind Car2 6 ВџџџџT #Bind Car2 7 Вџџџџg T #Bind Car2  №џџџџ!T #Bind Door Вџџџџ"TP@Lamp #Cycle 1 :Loop #Char 177 /i #Char 178 /i #Char 177 /i #Char 176 /i #Loop 1Вџџџџ'T #Bind Lamp Вџџџџb 'T #Bind Car Вџџџџ+(T #Bind Car Бџџџџt(T #Bind Car 9)[Streets of Delft 2] ] = - Both..0ЏLДU/ / 2 2 L2 Lxw$ogxx/ / 2 2 2 L2 L/ /S/c/o/t/-/p/o/i/n/t/s/:$/ 2 L2 xxwgxx/ / 2 2 L2 L2 / / 2 Lxwgxx/ / / 2 L2 L2 L2 LL2 LxwxwxxL2 L2 xgxx/ L2 L2 L2 L2 LLxxxwxxxxxxxwxwxxxgxx/ / xxxwxxwxxxwxxxwxwx$xxx$xx$w$xxxgx/ / gx$wxwx$xxx$wxwxxxxxxwxwxxgxx/ / / gxxxwxwxxxxwxxxxxx$x$wx$xxxggxxx/ / gxwxwxwxxxxxxxxw$xxxxxxxwxwxxgxx/ gxx$wxwx$xx$w$owxwxwxxxxwxw$owxggx/ / / gxx wxx$oxwxxxxxxgggggghhfhfhfhfhhhhgg$ggggggggghh xhhg$ggg$t$$$tx x$xx$xx#$~'$~$ x$u$vx  xx$$$xhhhhhhffhfhhh x xggg$xg$xghhx/ / hhgggggg$xx/ / / $xxxxxxxxx/ / / xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ / / xxxxxxxxx/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / џobject tainer.h bQx  џџџџŠPщ@ScotChecker #Cycle 1 :Loop #Take Score 18 start2 #Give Score 18 #ScotMeter1:Count90 #ScotMeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start2 #Take Score 17 start3 #Give Score 17 #ScotMeter1:Count80 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start3 #Take Score 16 start4 #Give Score 16 #ScotMeter1:Count80 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start4 #Take Score 15 start5 #Give Score 15 #ScotMeter1:Count70 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start5 #Take Score 14 start6 #Give Score 14 #ScotMeter1:Count70 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start6 #Take Score 13 start7 #Give Score 13 #ScotMeter1:Count60 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start7 #Take Score 12 start8 #Give Score 12 #ScotMeter1:Count60 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start8 #Take Score 11 start9 #Give Score 11 #ScotMeter1:Count50 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start9 #Take Score 10 start10 #Give Score 10 #ScotMeter1:Count50 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start10 #Take Score 9 start11 #Give Score 9 #ScotMeter1:Count40 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start11 #Take Score 8 start12 #Give Score 8 #ScotMeter1:Count40 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start12 #Take Score 7 start13 #Give Score 7 #ScotMeter1:Count30 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start13 #Take Score 6 start14 #Give Score 6 #ScotMeter1:Count30 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start14 #Take Score 5 start15 #Give Score 5 #ScotMeter1:Count20 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start15 #Take Score 4 start16 #Give Score 4 #ScotMeter1:Count20 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start16 #Take Score 3 start17 #Give Score 3 #ScotMeter1:Count10 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start17 #Take Score 2 start18 #Give Score 2 #ScotMeter1:Count10 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start18 #Take Score 1 start19 #Give Score 1 #ScotMeter1:Count0 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start19 #ScotMeter1:count0 #Scotmeter2:count0 /i #Loop 0џџџџР: @ScotMeter1 #Cycle 1 #End :count0 #Char 48 #End :count10 #Char 49 #End :count20 #Char 50 #End :count30 #Char 51 #End :count40 #Char 52 #End :count50 #Char 53 #End :count60 #Char 54 #End :count70 #Char 55 #End :count80 #Char 56 #End :count90 #Char 57 #End 0џџџџ б:?@ScotMeter2 #End :Count5 #Char 53 #End :Count0 #Char 48 #End мџџџџ/;мџџџџ NAмџџџџ NAмџџџџ NAмџџџџ NAмџџџџ NAмџџџџъDмџџџџ/; мџџџџ/; мџџџџ/; мџџџџ/; мџџџџ/; мџџџџ/;мџџџџ/;мџџџџ/;мџџџџ;мџџџџ/;мџџџџ/;мџџџџ/;мџџџџн@#мџџџџн@$мџџџџн@%мџџџџн@&мџџџџн@'мџџџџн@(мџџџџн@)мџџџџн@*мџџџџн@+мџџџџн@,мџџџџн@-мџџџџн@.мџџџџн@/мџџџџн@0мџџџџн@1мџџџџн@2мџџџџн@3мџџџџн@4мџџџџн@5мџџџџн@6мџџџџн@7мџџџџн@8мџџџџн@9мџџџџн@:мџџџџн@;мџџџџн@<мџџџџн@ №џџџџwе: #Bind Door  Фџџџџw BD ХџџџџwЛ? Фџџџџw BDФџџџџw BDХџџџџw BDФџџџџw7HХџџџџwЛ?ХџџџџwЛ?ХџџџџwЛ?ХџџџџwЛ?Хџџџџwл<ХџџџџwЛ?!№џџџџwж: #Bind Door Вџџџџ ж:P@Lamp #Cycle 1 :Loop #Char 177 /i #Char 178 /i #Char 177 /i #Char 176 /i #Loop 3Вџџџџ л: #Bind Lamp .Фџџџџxл<,Фџџџџxм:Ќ@Checker #Cycle 1 #End :Start #If OkkesDefeat Okay #If OkkesNoDefeat Okay2 /i #Start :Okay #Give Score 4 :Okay2 #Change Passage Shark #Change Shark Solid #All:Won2 #End , Фџџџџxч:V@Man #Cycle 8 :Appear /i/i/i/i/i/i/i #Cycle 2 #Char 2 /i #Man2:Appear #Char 196 #End 3Фџџџџwл<5Фџџџџxл<-Хџџџџxл<4Хџџџџxл< №џџџџx ь:<@Door #End :Touch #Play t213 You-This door is locked. #End 0 №џџџџw№: #Bind Door 1 №џџџџwё: #Bind Door џџџџx јP@Twan #End :Touch $Whoa! It's Twan! Wanna scot? !1;Yes. !2;No. /i #Touch :1 :ScotTwan You- !Won;Hey Twan! Where's your girlfriend? !4;Nice dress. /i #ScotTwan #End :Won #Lock #Berin:Locker #Love:Disappear #Give Score 1 Twan-Oh no, girls! Aaaah! You-Whoa! I've really scared Twan. He jumps in the canal! Cool!!! /i/s/s #Put N Solid #Play t--aefadebeadfe - = * S P L A S H ! * = - #Cycle 1 #Char 15 /i #Char 42 /i #Char 43 /i #Char 249 /i #Char 250 /i #Char 32 #Bertin:Won #End :2 #End :4 Twan-Oooh, that's sweet. Thank you mr. sweetie! $Erm... It seems like this wasn't the $proper way of scotting Twan. #Lock #End џџџџx ё:И@Bertin #End :Touch $Whoa! It's Bertin. You-Naw. I don't really wanna scot Bertin. Twan seems to be a better victim... #End :Locker #Zap Touch #End :Touch #End :Won #Lock /i/i/i Bertin-Oh gosh! What have you done? /i/i/i/i/i/i Bertin-I'll save you sweetie! /i/s/s #Put N Solid #Play t--aefadebeadfe - = * S P L A S H ! * = - #Cycle 1 #Char 15 /i #Char 42 /i #Char 43 /i #Char 249 /i #Char 250 /i #Char 32 #End џџџџ ;)@Love #End :Disappear #Become Fake #End џџџџ !Q #Bind Love - Хџџџџx"QD@Man2 #Cycle 2 #End :Appear #Char 2 /i #Man3:Appear #Char 197 #End . Фџџџџx &QD@Man3 #Cycle 2 #End :Appear #Char 2 /i #Man4:Appear #Char 196 #End 3 Фџџџџx+QU@Man4 #Cycle 2 #End :Appear /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #Char 2 /i #Man5:Appear #Char 196 #End 4 Хџџџџx0QD@Man5 #Cycle 2 #End :Appear #Char 2 /i #Man6:Appear #Char 197 #End 5 Фџџџџw 4Q7@Man6 #Cycle 2 #End :Appear #Char 2 /i #Char 196 #End 7 јџџџџ тB: јџџџџxm;; мџџџџ8Q #Bind Car2 6 мџџџџg 8Q8@Car2 #End :Touch #Play t284 You-It's just a car. #End 7 БџџџџQ #Bind Car2 мџџџџx>QA@Van #End :Touch #Play t159 You-Some van is standing here. #End ВџџџџxCQ #Bind Van мџџџџx CQ #Bind Van БџџџџxDQ #Bind Van АџџџџxDQ #Bind Van јџџџџ тBјџџџџ тB+ џџџџEQ…@Tarkan #End :Touch #All:Scotting #End :Scotting #Zap Touch #End :Touch #End :Won2 #Zap Touch #End :Touch Tarkan is quiet. #End - џџџџ MQ+@™kkes #End :Touch #All:Scotting #End :Scotting #Lock #Zap Touch Tarkan-You'd better beware, cause my homie is called... ™kess-™kkes! $Get ready to scot ™kkes! #Put N Passage /e #Checker:Start #Unlock #End :Touch #End :Won2 #Zap Touch #End :Touch ™kkes is very silent. #End - џџџџw<Фџџџџx7H< Фџџџџx7HЎ*[Streets of Delft 3] ] = - Both..0ЏLДU/ / b"b"b0 b"bbbb"b"ggx$xx/ /S/c/o/t/-/p/o/i/n/t/s/:$/ "b"b"b"b"bb4 4 b"bgx x/ / * * 0 * ***bb4 "b"bgx xxwxxxxb* 4 **bb"bb"ggx xwxwxxxxx"b**4 4 *4 **bbbb"bggx x$wx$xb"b"**4 ****b"b"bb"gx xxwxxxxxxb"b"b" f0 $'bb$bbb"bgx xgwxwxx"bb"b"4 bb$(bbb"bbggx xg$wx$xb"b""4 b$cbbb"gggx xgw$oxxxxbb"b"b"b"b"b"bggx xgggggggggggx xgxggg$g$y$$yggggx xggxx$xx$xxxggxxxgx$~$~x${xgxxxxgx xgxxx/ xxxgxx/ ggggggggggggxxx/ -$xxxx/ / xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ / / xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / џobject tainer.MbQx  џџџџŠPщ@ScotChecker #Cycle 1 :Loop #Take Score 18 start2 #Give Score 18 #ScotMeter1:Count90 #ScotMeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start2 #Take Score 17 start3 #Give Score 17 #ScotMeter1:Count80 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start3 #Take Score 16 start4 #Give Score 16 #ScotMeter1:Count80 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start4 #Take Score 15 start5 #Give Score 15 #ScotMeter1:Count70 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start5 #Take Score 14 start6 #Give Score 14 #ScotMeter1:Count70 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start6 #Take Score 13 start7 #Give Score 13 #ScotMeter1:Count60 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start7 #Take Score 12 start8 #Give Score 12 #ScotMeter1:Count60 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start8 #Take Score 11 start9 #Give Score 11 #ScotMeter1:Count50 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start9 #Take Score 10 start10 #Give Score 10 #ScotMeter1:Count50 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start10 #Take Score 9 start11 #Give Score 9 #ScotMeter1:Count40 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start11 #Take Score 8 start12 #Give Score 8 #ScotMeter1:Count40 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start12 #Take Score 7 start13 #Give Score 7 #ScotMeter1:Count30 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start13 #Take Score 6 start14 #Give Score 6 #ScotMeter1:Count30 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start14 #Take Score 5 start15 #Give Score 5 #ScotMeter1:Count20 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start15 #Take Score 4 start16 #Give Score 4 #ScotMeter1:Count20 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start16 #Take Score 3 start17 #Give Score 3 #ScotMeter1:Count10 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start17 #Take Score 2 start18 #Give Score 2 #ScotMeter1:Count10 #Scotmeter2:Count0 /i #Loop :start18 #Take Score 1 start19 #Give Score 1 #ScotMeter1:Count0 #Scotmeter2:Count5 /i #Loop :start19 #ScotMeter1:count0 #Scotmeter2:count0 /i #Loop 0џџџџР: @ScotMeter1 #Cycle 1 #End :count0 #Char 48 #End :count10 #Char 49 #End :count20 #Char 50 #End :count30 #Char 51 #End :count40 #Char 52 #End :count50 #Char 53 #End :count60 #Char 54 #End :count70 #Char 55 #End :count80 #Char 56 #End :count90 #Char 57 #End 0џџџџ б:?@ScotMeter2 #End :Count5 #Char 53 #End :Count0 #Char 48 #End мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь< мџџџџ ь< мџџџџ ь< мџџџџ ь< мџџџџ ь< мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь<мџџџџ ь< мџџџџ ь<!мџџџџ ь<"мџџџџ ь<#мџџџџ ь<$мџџџџ ь<%мџџџџ ь<&мџџџџ ь<'мџџџџ ь<(мџџџџ ь<)мџџџџ ь<*мџџџџ ь<+мџџџџ ь<,мџџџџ ь<-мџџџџ E ХџџџџxЂG ФџџџџxžGФџџџџxžG ФџџџџxžG ФџџџџwЂGФџџџџxžGХџџџџxЂGХџџџџxЂG ХџџџџxЂGФџџџџwЂG №џџџџwе:<@Door #End :Touch #Play t159 You-This door is locked. #End 7№џџџџ ЩR&@The end #End :Touch $Here you can end you're game. Are you $sure you've earned all the scot-points $you want, then choose "End game" below $here. If not, choose "Continue game". !End1;End game. !2;Continue game. #End :2 Okay, scot on... #End :End1 #Take Score 18 End2 #Give Score 18 You are a number 1 scotter. You've earned all of the points you could get. Now you know how to annoy and scot people. You're ready to go out on the streets... #Credits :End2 #Take Score 14 End3 #Give Score 14 You are a good scotter. You know how to apply the rules of scotting pretty well. However, you just lack that finishing touch which would make your skills perfect. #Credits :End3 #Take Score 8 End4 #Give Score 8 You are an average scotter. You aren't really a bad scotter, but not a great one either. Some practice would help. #Credits :End4 #Take Score 4 End5 #Give Score 4 You are a bad scotter. Your skills aren't good yet. Are you sure you did the best you could? #Credits :End5 You are an extremely sucky scotter. You make people laugh, instead of scaring them off. Try again and try harder this time. #Credits :Credits $ - = < C R E D I T S > = - АБВл Graphics: $Hercules $Hydra78 АБВл Artwork: $Hercules АБВл Programming: $Hydra78 АБВл Concept: $Hercules АБВл Beta-testing: $MeBo $Monkey12 АБВл Thanks to: $MeBo, for making the scrolling text on the title screen. $Sugeng Rahardjo, for introducing "scotting" and giving Hercules and Hydra ZZT. $Ф Ф Ф = = < T H E E N D > = = Ф Ф Ф #Endgame #End Вџџџџй:P@Lamp #Cycle 1 :Loop #Char 177 /i #Char 178 /i #Char 177 /i #Char 176 /i #Loop "Вџџџџо: #Bind Lamp  мџџџџgо:6@Car2 #End :Touch #Play t128 You-Just some car. #End  Бџџџџgт: #Bind Car2  Вџџџџт: #Bind Car2  Вџџџџ у: #Bind Car2  мџџџџgф: #Bind Car2  мџџџџgх: #Bind Car2  јџџџџx0> јџџџџx0>џџџџ" х:Д@Sugeng #End :Touch $It's some dark figure in a trenchcoat, $wearing sunglasses. Sugeng-I'm Sugeng. Sugeng Rahardjo. $Get ready to scot! #Put W Fake /w #Put W Passage /e #Lock :Loop #If SugengDefeat Okay #If SugengNoDefeat Okay2 /i #Loop :Okay #Give Score 6 :Okay2 #Change Passage Torch #Change Torch Solid #Zap Touch #Unlock #End :Touch Sugeng looks at you in a strange way. #End џџџџ џџџџ";м@Rob #End :Touch #If SugengDefeat Okay #If SugengNoDefeat Okay $It's some stoned guy. Rob-I'm Rob, member of the Sug-gang. Our leader is standing beside the tree. #End :Okay Rob ignores you. #End џџџџ eQџ@Arne #End :Touch #If SugengDefeat Okay #If SugengNoDefeat Okay $It's some stoned guy, wearing an army $suit. Arne-I'm Arne, member of the Sug-gang. Talk to our leader: Sugeng. #End :Okay Arne ignores you. #End  џџџџb uQС@Isha Lamboo #End :Touch #If SugengDefeat Okay #If SugengNoDefeat Okay $It's a very tall dude. Isha Lamboo-I'm Isha Lamboo. Meet Sugeng! #End :Okay Isha ignores you. #End 4џџџџx Qm@Kariem #End :Touch $It's some random passer-by. Kariem-I'm Kariem. $Wanna scot him? !Loop;Yes. !2;No. #End :2 #End :Loop !Bad;You are a fokkin' faggot! !L2;Kariem? God bless you. !Bad;Hello Kariem, how are you today? /i #Loop :Bad $Kariem just laughs at you. It seems like $this isn't the proper way of scotting $him. #Lock #End :L2 Kariem-Thanks! !bad;You're welcome. !bad;Heheh. You suck. #If A !KW;So you stole Wim's scooter, eh? /i #L2 :KW Kariem looks ashamed. It seems like you've won the battle! #Give Score 2 #Lock #End џџџџ ЈQW@Wim #End :Touch #Set A #Zap Touch :Touch Wim-That Kariem-boy stole my scooter! #End ? -= Unused =-olbox :: /\/\h Both..0ЏLДU=::::::::::::::::::::::=џobject tainer. bQx ? -= Unused =-olbox :: /\/\h Both..0ЏLДU=::::::::::::::::::::::=џobject tainer. bQx ? -= Unused =-olbox :: /\/\h Both..0ЏLДU=::::::::::::::::::::::=џobject tainer. bQx ? -= Unused =-olbox :: /\/\h Both..0ЏLДU=::::::::::::::::::::::=џobject tainer. bQx ? -= Unused =-olbox :: /\/\h Both..0ЏLДU=::::::::::::::::::::::=џobject tainer. bQx Х[Scot-battle: Ankur] ] = - Both..0ЏLДU/  / /Y/o/u/ /v/s/./ /A/n/k/u/r/  / $ / О f`f4 `of3 o$o$of  oo 4\4/ oo$Oo oo $f$  oo o f    ff f$Of      fffL $nf$nLLf    f fL `$n$nLLf     LL L`$nL LLL     LL$O $OLLL    LLL L$OD$OLLLf oo   LLLL$OD$OLLLLf Fooo4 F4 FF LLLL L$OLLff  /  !/  / $"/  /  / /Y/o/u/:$ $/ /   / /A/n/k/u/r/:$ $ /  (/  &/  џobject tainer.bQx   пџџџџo3; пџџџџo3; пџџџџo3; пџџџџo3;пџџџџ3;3 пџџџџf3;4 пџџџџf3;1 џџџџ3;2пџџџџ 3;1оџџџџ 3;5нџџџџL3;4пџџџџL3;2\џџџџD3;4/џџџџD3;3пџџџџD3;1 оџџџџ3;2оџџџџ3;3пџџџџ3;4пџџџџ3;5нџџџџ3;6 нџџџџ3;5 џџџџ3;лџџџџ Р:Г@YouLose #Cycle 1 #End :Shot You don't know what to say to Ankur anymore. It seems like he has won this scot-battle. #Set AnkurNoDefeat #Blocker:Away #All:Lose :Lose #Lock #End лџџџџ Ь:Љ@EnemyLose #Cycle 1 #End :Shot Ankur doesn't know what to say anymore. It seems like you've won this battle! #Set AnkurDefeat #Blocker:Away #All:Lose :Lose #Lock #End +лџџџџ ж:z@YouShooter #Cycle 1 #End :Shoot1 #Shoot W #End :Shoot2 #Shoot W #Shoot W #End :Shoot3 #Shoot W #Shoot W #Shoot W #End џџџџџ PZ@YourTurn #Cycle 1 /i/i/i/i :Turn1 You- !1hit1;Nice hair. Nuff said. !1bad;You are a big loser. !1hit3;Is that a bull on your shirt, or $is it a picture of your girlfriend? /i #Turn1 :1bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn1 #End :1hit1 #EnemyShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn1 #End :1hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn1 #End :Turn2 You- !2hit3;Nice shirt. Bet you didn't have $enough money for the sleeves. !2bad;Heheh. You still suck. !2bad;I'm not pale, damn you! /i #Turn2 :2bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn2 #End :2hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn2 #End :Turn3 You- !3bad;That's my head, mofo! !3hit2;What was that you said 'bout Carol? !3hit1;In my case, it's my head, but $I'm not so sure about that in your case. /i #Turn3 :3hit1 #EnemyShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn3 #End :3hit2 #EnemyShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn3 #End :3bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn3 #End :Turn4 You- !4hit3;Oh, you are a lil' teen pervert. !4bad;Ricky Martin isn't that bad. !4bad;Ack. I hate Ricky Martin. /i #Turn4 :4bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn4 #End :4hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn4 #End :Turn5 You- !5hit3;Say, how old are you, kiddie? !5bad;No, I'm not. !5bad;Sucker! /i #Turn5 :5bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn5 #End :5hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn5 #End :Turn6 You- !6bad;No, I bought it somewhere else. !6hit2;Why are there flies swarming around $your head? !6hit1;You must be a frequent at the $dump store, eh? /i #Turn6 :6bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn6 #End :6hit1 #EnemyShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn6 #End :6hit2 #EnemyShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn6 #End :Turn7 You- !7bad;It ain't no wig! !7hit1;I wonder what your grandma looks $like... !7hit2;You don't look all too bright. Bet $you never went to school. /i #Turn7 :7bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn7 #End :7hit1 #EnemyShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn7 #End :7hit2 #EnemyShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i#AnkurTurn:Turn7 #End :Lose #Lock #End џџџџ •P-@AnkurTurn #End :Turn1 Ankur-Ya be dead, or do ya always look that pale? #YouShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn2 #End :Turn2 Ankur-Is that a pimple on yo neck, or is it yo head? #YouShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn3 #End :Turn3 Ankur-You remind me of Ricky Martin, the ass-shaker. #YouShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn4 #End :Turn4 Ankur-Ya be feeling blue? #YouShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn5 #End :Turn5 Ankur-Cool shirt. Where did ya buy it? The dump store? #YouShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn6 #End :Turn6 Ankur-Nice wig. Reminds me of ma grandma. #YouShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn7 #End :Turn7 Ankur-*smells something* Is that yo aftershave, or have ya forgotten to change yo socks lately? #YouShooter:Shoot3 #End :Lose #Lock #End *лџџџџ о:|@EnemyShooter #Cycle 1 #End :Shoot1 #Shoot W #End :Shoot2 #Shoot W #Shoot W #End :Shoot3 #Shoot W #Shoot W #Shoot W #End лџџџџ ц:.@Blocker #End :Away #Put N Passage #Die #End џџџџ ? -= Unused =-olbox :: /\/\h Both..0ЏLДU=::::::::::::::::::::::=џobject tainer. bQx п[Scot-battle: Okkes] ] = - Both..0ЏLДU/  / /Y/o/u/ /v/s/./ $/k/e/s/  / $ / Є  f`f  `of oo o$o$of $$oo oo oo oo$Oo oo o$Ooo  oo o 399o93993    99999399399      o 99999399399    ooo999$9$;1s1i1k1t$;$91 9399     ooo99$9$;1t1a1n1b$;$99o9     399993ooo3    99999ooo9 oo   999993999 Fooo4 F4 FF 99939993  /  !/  / $"/  /   / /Y/o/u/:$ $ / /   / $/k/e/s/:$ $/  (/  &/  џobject tainer.bQx   пџџџџo; пџџџџo3; пџџџџo3; пџџџџo3;пџџџџ3;лџџџџ MГ@YouLose #Cycle 1 #End :Shot You don't know what to say to ™kkes anymore. It seems like he has won this scot-battle. #Set OkkesNoDefeat #Blocker:Away #All:Lose :Lose #Lock #End лџџџџ MЉ@EnemyLose #Cycle 1 #End :Shot Okkes doesn't know what to say anymore. It seems like you've won this battle! #Set OkkesDefeat #Blocker:Away #All:Lose :Lose #Lock #End ™џџџџOqPлџџџџ —M.@Blocker #End :Away #Put N Passage #Die #End џџџџ џџџџџ šMс@OkkesTurn #End :Turn1 ™kkes-What's that on ya neck? Sweat, because of me? #YouShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn2 #End :Turn2 ™kkes-Ya would have been a suitable man for Fatima. If she were blind. #YouShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn3 #End :Turn3 ™kkes-Ya look like a tough guy. As tough as a wet newspaper, I'll add. #YouShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn4 #End :Turn4 ™kkes-Hey, ya dissin' with Achmed and Hassan? They be my palz, yo! #YouShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn5 #End :Turn5 ™kkes-Bertin would love to meet you. #YouShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn6 #End :Turn6 ™kkes-You smell like one o' those stinkin' D”ner Kebab sandwiches. #YouShooter:Shoot2 #End :Lose #Lock #End +лџџџџ ШM|@EnemyShooter #Cycle 1 #End :Shoot1 #Shoot W #End :Shoot2 #Shoot W #Shoot W #End :Shoot3 #Shoot W #Shoot W #Shoot W #End +BџџџџB;+IџџџџI;2sџџџџs;2lџџџџl;,eџџџџe;,sџџџџs;1uџџџџu;1aџџџџa;- пџџџџo;. пџџџџo;/ пџџџџo;-пџџџџo;/пџџџџo;џџџџџ аMљ@YourTurn #Cycle 1 /i/i/i/i :Turn1 You- !1bad;Loser. !1hit2;Besiktas Istanbul? Is that the $store where they sell such $horrible shirts? !1hit2;I heard Besiktas lost their last $five matches. Heheh. /i #Turn1 :1hit2 #EnemyShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn1 #End :1bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn1 #End :Turn2 You- !2hit3;Nice hair. Did you put your fingers $in a socket? !2bad;Yeah, it's sweat. And you suck. !2bad;No, you don't make me scared. /i #Turn2 :2bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn2 #End :2hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn2 #End :Turn3 You- !3hit1;She isn't blind? !3bad;Fatima? Who's that, your mother? !3hit3;Are you Tarkan's little slave? /i #Turn3 :3hit1 #EnemyShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn3 #End :3hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn3 #End :3bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn3 #End :Turn4 You- !4hit2;A wet newspaper? Do you like $fishing them out of the water, or don't $you have the money to buy one? !4hit1;At least I'm not as skinny as you. !4bad;I'm much tougher! /i #Turn4 :4hit2 #EnemyShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn4 #End :4hit1 #EnemyShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn4 #End :4bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn4 #End :Turn5 You- !5bad;I didn't say anything about them. !5hit1;Hassan and Achmed? Are they the $same lowly gutter-scum like you? !5hit3;You look like you really need to $go to the bathroom? I bet $Bertin is waiting there... /i #Turn5 :5hit1 #EnemyShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn5 #End :5hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn5 #End :5bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn5 #End :Turn6 You- !6hit1;I bet you've already met him. !6hit3;You must be one of the supporters $of that saying "School makes you a fool". !6bad;He'd love to meet you too. /i #Turn6 :6bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn6 #End :6hit1 #EnemyShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn6 #End :6hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i#OkkesTurn:Turn6 #End *лџџџџ ONz@YouShooter #Cycle 1 #End :Shoot1 #Shoot W #End :Shoot2 #Shoot W #Shoot W #End :Shoot3 #Shoot W #Shoot W #Shoot W #End "™џџџџOqP7[Scot-battle: Sugeng]] = - Both..0ЏLДU/  / /Y/o/u/ /v/s/./ /S/u/g/e/n/g/  / $ / h 5 o f`f $ `of oo o$o$of o$Ooo oo oo oo$Oo oo xxx   oo o xx     xx       x    x     x     xx    xx oo   $xx$ Fooo4 F4 FF xxx /  !/  / $"/  /   / /Y/o/u/:$ $/ /   / /S/u/g/e/n/g/:$$/ $/  (/  &/  џobject tainer.bQx   пџџџџo3; пџџџџo,M пџџџџo3; пџџџџo3;пџџџџ3;лџџџџ N<Е@YouLose #Cycle 1 #End :Shot You don't know what to say to Sugeng anymore. It seems like he has won this scot-battle. #Set SugengNoDefeat #Blocker:Away #All:Lose :Lose #Lock #End лџџџџ Z<Ћ@EnemyLose #Cycle 1 #End :Shot Sugeng doesn't know what to say anymore. It seems like you've won this battle! #Set SugengDefeat #Blocker:Away #All:Lose :Lose #Lock #End џџџџџ d<@YourTurn #Cycle 1 /i/i/i/i :Turn1 You- !1hit3;Cool sunglasses. Bought them at $the supermarket? !1bad;You look scary to me. !1hit1;Are you feeling dark? /i #Turn1 :1bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn1 #End :1hit1 #EnemyShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn1 #End :1hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn1 #End :Turn2 You- !2bad;I'm trying to become one, yes. !2hit3;Are you wearing a trenchcoat 'cuz $of the weather or are you just $trying to be cool? !2bad;What's wrong with scotters? /i #Turn2 :2hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn2 #End :2bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn2 #End :Turn3 You- !3hit3;Yeah, and you're a member of SM $Club Doma. !3hit1;No, have you met him lately? !3bad;I wish I had. /i #Turn3 :3hit1 #EnemyShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn3 #End :3hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn3 #End :3bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn3 #End :Turn4 You- !4hit2;Why do you have a gang? Too weak $to stand up for yourself? !4hit2;There's hair growing out of your $nose. You ought to shave. !4bad;What kind of scotting line was that? /i #Turn4 :4hit2 #EnemyShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn4 #End :4bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn4 #End :Turn5 You- !5bad;Who's Akbar? !5hit3;This gang seems unreal. I bet $you've got nothing better to do than to $hang around in the park. You're just a $bunch of bored guys. !5hit1;Eew... you kicked a man in his $balls... /i #Turn5 :5hit1 #EnemyShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn5 #End :5hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn5 #End :5bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn5 #End :Turn6 You- !6hit1;I'm jabbering, just like you. !6hit3;*silence* Oh, you said something? !6bad;I'm scotting you, damn it! /i #Turn6 :6hit1 #EnemyShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn6 #End :6hit3 #EnemyShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn6 #End :6bad /i/i/i/i/i/i#SugengTurn:Turn6 #End :Lose #Lock #End џџџџџ ц<а@SugengTurn #End :Turn1 Sugeng-So you're a scotter? Bwah. #YouShooter:Shoot2 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn2 #End :Turn2 Sugeng-I'm sure you've met Kariem more intimate than I have. #YouShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn3 #End :Turn4 Sugeng-Whoo! Impressive. You sound like Akbar, when I kicked his balls. #YouShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn5 #End :Turn3 Sugeng-I'm sure you're part of a gang as well: the sucky gang. #YouShooter:Shoot1 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn4 #End :Turn5 Sugeng-You resemble Twan. Or was that Bertin? #YouShooter:Shoot3 /i/i/i/i/i/i #YourTurn:Turn6 #End :Turn6 Sugeng-What was that? You tryin' to scot me, or some random jabbering? #YouShooter:Shoot2 #End :Lose #Lock #End 2лџџџџ =|@EnemyShooter #Cycle 1 #End :Shoot1 #Shoot W #End :Shoot2 #Shoot W #Shoot W #End :Shoot3 #Shoot W #Shoot W #Shoot W #End 'мџџџџ,M(мџџџџ,M)мџџџџ,M2мџџџџ,M3мџџџџ,M4мџџџџ,M1мџџџџ,M*мџџџџ,M5мџџџџ,M,пџџџџo,M-пџџџџo,M.пџџџџo,M+пџџџџo,M/пџџџџo,M,пџџџџo,M-Фџџџџo,M0Фџџџџo,M/лџџџџћ:|@EnemyShooter #Cycle 1 #End :Shoot1 #Shoot W #End :Shoot2 #Shoot W #Shoot W #End :Shoot3 #Shoot W #Shoot W #Shoot W #End лџџџџ =.@Blocker #End :Away #Put N Passage #Die #End џџџџ ,лџџџџ …Pz@YouShooter #Cycle 1 #End :Shoot1 #Shoot W #End :Shoot2 #Shoot W #Shoot W #End :Shoot3 #Shoot W #Shoot W #Shoot W #End ? -= Unused =-olbox :: /\/\h Both..0ЏLДU=::::::::::::::::::::::=џobject tainer. bQx